You have questions.
We have answers.
Are Peelz genetically modified (GMO)?
Heck. No. All natural over here.
Where is Peelz Citrus farmed?
Peelz are born and raised in the San Joaquin Valley, California.
Does Peelz offer organic citrus?
We sure do. Look for our green Peelz bags or click on our store locator to find them in a store nearest you.
What the heck is a Dekopon?
A Dekopon is a special Mandarin variety of epic proportions. It’s juicy, sweet, easy to peel, and extra-large. Plus, it’s got a cool name.
Are Peelz produced on the same lines as nuts/allergens?
No way. Allergen-free is the way to be.
Does Peelz use pesticides?
Our primary concern is the safety of our consumers and the wholesomeness of our citrus. To reduce our pesticide use, we use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) method, a combination of natural and synthetic means to reduce disease and control pests. Any pesticide used is in compliance with the federal and state laws, and complies with the registration policies of the U.S. EPA.